What are the features of a classic early music love letter?

What are the features of a classic early music love letter?

- Dressing the beloved in a college student uniform, touching upon their historical soft spot.

- Setting the mood with a history lesson, with affectionate scolding through a little bit of music history…

- Undressing the beloved, leaving on merely the corset of rigid music theory, revealing the aberrations and imperfections of the flesh (appropriate vocabulary here: transgression, taking liberties, loose approach….)

- The love scene, successful on its own terms, should take place in a cavern or cellar with huge, immersive acoustics

- Feeding the lover with an alphabet soup (seen on Sesame Street)  

- Augmenting one’s pleasure by focusing first on the extraneous and frivolous excess, then twisting it into a disciplined immaculate love object.

- Dirty talk to the beloved should focus on post-structuralist terminology: you dirty poststructuralist!

For advanced lovers: classic fantasies, for better or worse, about defiling dead polyphonists, turned in their graves...

Important note: violence described above should be understood in a post-structuralist sense.
