Five star review for EX NIHILO in December’s Fono Forum Magazine

We love the review of new Ex Nihilo CD this month in German music magazine Fono Forum by Reinmar Emans: five stars and Empfehlung des Monats!

“We are used to Björn Schmelzer always tending towards the Gesamtkunstwerk. The gloomy automaton pictures certainly belong in this context. Schmelzer’s booklet text opens up completely surprising perspectives. Based on a 16th century pedagogue’s critique of polyphony, according to which the chants make no sense and the singers themselves can hardly know what they are singing, he wanders through philosophical realms that make perfect sense. Ultimately, however, the emptiness described there has to do above all with the fact that every musical work only becomes such through performance. Music is thus constantly recreated; the basis for performance remains non-binding. Schmelzer and his small but exceptionally fine ensemble prove time and again that this is the driving force behind very intense and creative performances. As is so often the case, this recording also thrives on the abysmal bass voices, which not only provide the foundation but also convey the emotions. However, the two female voices, which are sometimes required, are also perfectly integrated in terms of sound. There are no gaps, although the ensemble sound relies on very individually timbred voices anyway. This repeatedly creates an unbelievable pull that is hard to resist. And the harmonies that emerge and are savoured - as in “Salve Regina” - are almost unbelievable, but logical. This is old and new at the same time and always exciting. The last track, which develops its very own addictive potential, is particularly captivating in this respect.” Reinmar Emans (deepl translated)